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Kwiat hibiskusa Zdjęcia – Licencja do zdjęć żywności ❘ StockFood

Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
13286025 - Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
13286024 - Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
Hibiscus Macarons
13644606 - Hibiscus Macarons
Hibiscus ice lollies
11965905 - Hibiscus ice lollies
High angle of jar and glasses of delicious natural red hibiscus tea placed near pots with dry flowers on table against shabby wall
13286020 - High angle of jar and glasses of delicious natural red hibiscus tea placed near pots with dry flowers on table against shabby wall
Hibiscus juice with flower
13200878 - Hibiscus juice with flower
Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
13286023 - Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
Orange drink with flower
13282826 - Orange drink with flower
Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
13286022 - Bowl with dried hibiscus or Roselle flowers used for preparing healthy refreshing tea on marble table
Dried hibiscus flowers in a jar and on a white cloth
11442372 - Dried hibiscus flowers in a jar and on a white cloth
Lily flower salad with grilled apricots and a hibiscus and chilli dressing
12484807 - Lily flower salad with grilled apricots and a hibiscus and chilli dressing
Hibiscus flowers in a test tube
12323638 - Hibiscus flowers in a test tube
Close-up view from above of dry hibiscus flowers
13657981 - Close-up view from above of dry hibiscus flowers
Dried hibiscus flowers, full frame
11348093 - Dried hibiscus flowers, full frame
Lilac salad with a dressing
11375243 - Lilac salad with a dressing
Dried hibiscus flowers and mallows on a plate
11348094 - Dried hibiscus flowers and mallows on a plate
A red hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
00935682 - A red hibiscus flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
Moon Milk with Hibiscus Flowers
13515417 - Moon Milk with Hibiscus Flowers
Hibiscus flower tea in an oriental tea glass
11957358 - Hibiscus flower tea in an oriental tea glass
Soft flower jellies topped with Champagne
11502709 - Soft flower jellies topped with Champagne
Flor de Jamaica (hibiscus blossoms)
00322738 - Flor de Jamaica (hibiscus blossoms)
Hibiscus ice lollies
11965906 - Hibiscus ice lollies
Rose hips, dried rowan berries and hibiscus flowers for tea
11406466 - Rose hips, dried rowan berries and hibiscus flowers for tea
Hibiscus flowers
13914037 - Hibiscus flowers
Hibiscus plants in the garden centre
11090660 - Hibiscus plants in the garden centre
A glass of lemonade garnished with a hibiscus flower on a table outside
11406924 - A glass of lemonade garnished with a hibiscus flower on a table outside
Jasmin tea with hibiscus flower, cardamom and lemon tree honey
60229294 - Jasmin tea with hibiscus flower, cardamom and lemon tree honey
A double hibiscus flower
11231446 - A double hibiscus flower
Flor de Jamaica (hibiscus blossoms) on a wooden surface
00322741 - Flor de Jamaica (hibiscus blossoms) on a wooden surface
Dried hibiscus flowers
00453303 - Dried hibiscus flowers
Champagne with a rosella flower
13447790 - Champagne with a rosella flower
A red hibiscus flower
00949819 - A red hibiscus flower
Dried lime blossoms, lavender, dried hibiscus blossoms, and rose buds
12344112 - Dried lime blossoms, lavender, dried hibiscus blossoms, and rose buds
Candied hibiscus petals
11312533 - Candied hibiscus petals
Pile of Dried Hibiscus on a White Background
00668871 - Pile of Dried Hibiscus on a White Background
Cold dill and nasturtium soup
60123395 - Cold dill and nasturtium soup
Hibiscus flower cocktail
60242828 - Hibiscus flower cocktail
Dried hibiscus flowers on a stone surface
11406462 - Dried hibiscus flowers on a stone surface
A bee and a beetle inside a pink mallow flower
11003774 - A bee and a beetle inside a pink mallow flower
Moon Milk with Hibiscus Flowers
13515418 - Moon Milk with Hibiscus Flowers
Hibiscus tea in a glass teapot surrounded by hibiscus flowers
11224613 - Hibiscus tea in a glass teapot surrounded by hibiscus flowers
Hibiscus flower, close-up
00864875 - Hibiscus flower, close-up
Red-flowered Hibiscus
00244468 - Red-flowered Hibiscus
Candied hibiscus petals
11312537 - Candied hibiscus petals
Dried hibiscus petals in a glass bowl, a teapot and a cup of hibiscus flower tea
11312543 - Dried hibiscus petals in a glass bowl, a teapot and a cup of hibiscus flower tea
Candied hibiscus petals
11312530 - Candied hibiscus petals
Dried Hibiscus Flowers on a White Background
11072519 - Dried Hibiscus Flowers on a White Background
Moon Milk with Hibiscus Flowers
13515416 - Moon Milk with Hibiscus Flowers
Candied hibiscus petals
11312532 - Candied hibiscus petals
Hibiscus flowers
60213106 - Hibiscus flowers
A red and white hibiscus flower
11003742 - A red and white hibiscus flower
A cup of hibiscus tea with candied and dried petals
11312547 - A cup of hibiscus tea with candied and dried petals
Pink Hibiscus Flowers
11052801 - Pink Hibiscus Flowers
Candied hibiscus petals
11312535 - Candied hibiscus petals
Hibiscus flower and raspberry jam
60083657 - Hibiscus flower and raspberry jam
Red mullet with green beans and hibiscus petals
60083634 - Red mullet with green beans and hibiscus petals
Hibiscus on prestige toast
60056382 - Hibiscus on prestige toast
Hibiscus petals in a bowl of water (for making syrup) with a whole flower in the foreground
11312540 - Hibiscus petals in a bowl of water (for making syrup) with a whole flower in the foreground
Dried hibiscus petals and an old spoon on a purple fabric napkin
11312548 - Dried hibiscus petals and an old spoon on a purple fabric napkin
Hibiscus petal syrup being made (a glass of water, a syrup bottle and hibiscus petals)
11312541 - Hibiscus petal syrup being made (a glass of water, a syrup bottle and hibiscus petals)
Candied hibiscus petals
11312534 - Candied hibiscus petals
Candied hibiscus petals
11312536 - Candied hibiscus petals
Candied hibiscus petals
11312538 - Candied hibiscus petals
Dried petals from edible flowers (full frame)
11312525 - Dried petals from edible flowers (full frame)
Red hibiscus flower with leaves
00935942 - Red hibiscus flower with leaves
Candied hibiscus petals in a glass
11312546 - Candied hibiscus petals in a glass
Pink Hibiscus Flower; Close Up
11052802 - Pink Hibiscus Flower; Close Up
Dried Hibiscus Flowers on a White Background
11052775 - Dried Hibiscus Flowers on a White Background
Hibiscus petals in a bowl of water (for making syrup)
11312539 - Hibiscus petals in a bowl of water (for making syrup)
Candied hibiscus petals
11312531 - Candied hibiscus petals
A cup of hibiscus petal tea (seen from above)
11312545 - A cup of hibiscus petal tea (seen from above)
A bottle of champagne in a chiller decorated with hibiscus flowers
11030314 - A bottle of champagne in a chiller decorated with hibiscus flowers
Dried hibiscus
11025681 - Dried hibiscus
Hibiscus flower
00864874 - Hibiscus flower
Hibiscus flower with leaf
00858535 - Hibiscus flower with leaf
Basket of pineapples & mangos, flowering hibiscus in background
00377438 - Basket of pineapples & mangos, flowering hibiscus in background
Hibiscus flower in small glass (plate decoration)
00279910 - Hibiscus flower in small glass (plate decoration)
Hibiscus flowers on the bush
00953932 - Hibiscus flowers on the bush
Wild rosella (Australian species of Hibiscus)
00381464 - Wild rosella (Australian species of Hibiscus)
Camomile tea with hibiscus and rose petals (relaxation tea)
11115204 - Camomile tea with hibiscus and rose petals (relaxation tea)
Wild rosella (Australian species of Hibiscus)
00381465 - Wild rosella (Australian species of Hibiscus)
Sugar-free yoghurt parfait with dried hibiscus flowers and rosewater
12245175 - Sugar-free yoghurt parfait with dried hibiscus flowers and rosewater
jar and glasses of delicious natural red hibiscus tea placed near pots with dry flowers on table against shabby wall
13286021 - jar and glasses of delicious natural red hibiscus tea placed near pots with dry flowers on table against shabby wall
Refreshing hibiscus ice tea
13004284 - Refreshing hibiscus ice tea
Cocktail hibiscus and salted cookies in the heart
60545642 - Cocktail hibiscus and salted cookies in the heart
Homemade hibiscus lemonade with limes and raspberries
11442376 - Homemade hibiscus lemonade with limes and raspberries
Ingredients for flavouring gin
12323636 - Ingredients for flavouring gin
Iced tea with hibiscus and strawberries
13528588 - Iced tea with hibiscus and strawberries
Glass with cocktail with slice of grapefruit, rosemary, dry blueberry, flowers and ice cube
13174818 - Glass with cocktail with slice of grapefruit, rosemary, dry blueberry, flowers and ice cube
Shortcrust pastry sticks with hibiscus flowers and pistachio nuts
10321709 - Shortcrust pastry sticks with hibiscus flowers and pistachio nuts
Hibiscus ice tea
13494391 - Hibiscus ice tea
A taco with tofu and black bean paste (Mexico)
12312447 - A taco with tofu and black bean paste (Mexico)
Tea lemonade with hibiscus flowers and raspberries
11957363 - Tea lemonade with hibiscus flowers and raspberries
Gin in a bottle with various flavourings in test tubes
12323634 - Gin in a bottle with various flavourings in test tubes
Assortment of dry tea in vintage spoons
13375838 - Assortment of dry tea in vintage spoons
Assortment of dry tea in vintage spoons.
13375837 - Assortment of dry tea in vintage spoons.
Kohlrabi pockets with goat's cheese, wild garlic buds and hibiscus flowers
12533008 - Kohlrabi pockets with goat's cheese, wild garlic buds and hibiscus flowers
Homemade crunchy muesli with candied hibiscus flowers and grain milk
12462012 - Homemade crunchy muesli with candied hibiscus flowers and grain milk
A bowl of hibiscus flower tea
12502550 - A bowl of hibiscus flower tea
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