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Redcurrants and leaves in a metal bowl

Redcurrants and leaves in a metal bowl

Cena zdjęcia

od 25 €

reklama (druk, outdoor, telewizja, użycie elektorniczne itd.) od 25 €
edytorial (gazeta, książka, magazyn, media cyfrowe itd.) od 30 €
produkt konsumencki (kalendarz, opakowanie i etykiety, pocztówka itd.) od 65 €

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A napkin decorated with astilbe and redcurrants
Redcurrant and rhubarb jelly
A cream tart with redcurrants
Redcurrant crumble cake
A wreath of redcurrants
Redcurrants and leaves in a metal bowl
A cream slice with redcurrants
Redcurrant juice with lemon ice cubes
Redcurrant and rhubarb jelly
A wreath of redcurrants being made
A wreath of redcurrants being made
Redcurrants and leaves in a metal bowl
Redcurrant syrup in a pot
Redcurrants on a spoon

To zdjęcie jest częścią Feature

Ruby Fresh
© Feature od Schindler, Martina | 14 Zdjęcia i tekst

A summer harvest of fresh redcurrants offers so many possibilities. Cascades of jewel-like fruit and vibrant green leaves make glorious decorations as wreaths or napkin ties. Recipes range from cream tart or crumble cake to juice and jelly.

Image Professionals ArtShop

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Do Image Professionals Art Shop
Numer zdjęcia:11034609
Tytuł:Redcurrants and leaves in a metal bowl
Rodzaj licencji:Rights-managed
Fotograf/Kolekcja:StockFood / Schindler, Martina
Rozmiar zdjęcia:3413 px x 5120 px