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Three different types of grain with a spoon on a stone platter

Three different types of grain with a spoon on a stone platter

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od 25 €

reklama (druk, outdoor, telewizja, użycie elektorniczne itd.) od 25 €
edytorial (gazeta, książka, magazyn, media cyfrowe itd.) od 30 €
produkt konsumencki (kalendarz, opakowanie i etykiety, pocztówka itd.) od 65 €

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Dried lentils and various types of beans in and next to bowls
Fresh garlic bulbs and oriental garlic, whole and sliced on and next to a grey plate
Whole apples on a pot holder, with apples and sliced apples with a knife next to it
Rhubarb stalks, whole and sliced, on a wire rack
A broken pumpkin
Fresh herbs with a plate on a grey suface
Sliced fennel bulbs with a knife on a grey platter
Dirty potatoes on a wooden scoop with sweet potatoes next to it
Broken dark chocolate with cocoa beans
Colourful carrots, some with leaves and some sliced
Three different types of grain with a spoon on a stone platter

Image Professionals ArtShop

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Do Image Professionals Art Shop
Numer zdjęcia:11338393
Tytuł:Three different types of grain with a spoon on a stone platter
Rodzaj licencji:Rights-managed
Fotograf/Kolekcja:StockFood / Adsbøl, Mikkel
Rozmiar zdjęcia:3622 px x 4824 px