+49 89 747 202 0
An arrangement of pink shades made from flowers, lychees and egg shells (full frame)

An arrangement of pink shades made from flowers, lychees and egg shells (full frame)

Cena zdjęcia

od 25 €

reklama (druk, outdoor, telewizja, użycie elektorniczne itd.) od 25 €
edytorial (gazeta, książka, magazyn, media cyfrowe itd.) od 30 €
produkt konsumencki (kalendarz, opakowanie i etykiety, pocztówka itd.) od 65 €

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An arrangement of green shades made from vegetables, leaves, flowers and scoops of mint ice cream (full frame)
An arrangement of delicate pink made from flowers and macaroons (full frame)
An arrangement of pink shades made from flowers, lychees and egg shells (full frame)
An arrangement of of white shades made from animal fur, corral and truffle pralines (full frame)
An arrangement of purple shades made from red cabbage leaves (full frame)
An arrangement of green shades made from vegetables, leaves and white nougat (full frame)
An arrangement of pink shades made from cabbage, plums and flowers (full frame)
An arrangement of pink shades made from flowers, vegetables and macaroons (full frame)
An arrangement of green shades made from leaves and flowers (full frame)

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Dostępny: Dostępny w ciągu 1-2 dni roboczych w języku Angielski UK lub innym
Cena: od 90 PLN
Kontakt: +49 89 747 202 0 lub

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To zdjęcie jest częścią Feature

Sweet Flora Bella
© Feature od Klaudia Iga Studio | 9 Zdjęcia i tekst

These images are rich with texture and love to play hide and seek with your eyes. They are colorful, hypnotizing, and filled with nature and confections. Small and elegant French sweets are hidden between the flowers and plants. Find them if you can!

Image Professionals ArtShop

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Do Image Professionals Art Shop
Numer zdjęcia:12460525
Tytuł:An arrangement of pink shades made from flowers, lychees and egg shells (full frame)
Rodzaj licencji:Rights-managed
Fotograf/Kolekcja:StockFood / Klaudia Iga Studio
Rozmiar zdjęcia:3414 px x 5120 px